Doubt by Ananya
Solution :
We know, LCM of two numbers is always divisible by HCF of same two numbers i.e. HCF is always the multiple of LCM.
LCM = 380
HCF = 18
LCM/HCF = 380/18 = 21.11
Clearly, it is not completely divisible. So we can say that two numbers can't have 18 as their HCF and 380 as their LCM.
We know, LCM of two numbers is always divisible by HCF of same two numbers i.e. HCF is always the multiple of LCM.
LCM = 380
HCF = 18
LCM/HCF = 380/18 = 21.11
Clearly, it is not completely divisible. So we can say that two numbers can't have 18 as their HCF and 380 as their LCM.